Contact Me


Welcome to my personal website. My reasons for setting up this website are numerous.

I would like this website to serve as an alternative means of interacting with me, whether you are family, friends, colleagues, or prospective clients.  Often people search for you on the Web but the search results provide some weird and wonderful links; so I'd like to make sure that if people are looking for me, then they will find me.  In future this website will link to my Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other sites.  At the very least, the Contact page lists my contact details.

I would also like this website to showcase my experience, skills & knowledge. I have many years of experience in the finance and business process reengineering fields.

I am also in the process of developing specific products and services which I will initially start marketing on this website.

And finally, I will market businesses I own, or have some interest in, via this website.

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© 2010 Emile Mouton

Emile C Mouton  .........................